We use modern measurement and inspection trains and handheld equipment to carry out measurements and analyses on the track, working on behalf of infrastructure managers in a wide range of countries. Our customer located in the Netherlands, Denmark, Germany and France, as well as in many other European countries.
EURAILSCOUT makes necessary maintenance transparent
When you have all the information you need about the condition of your rail network’s infrastructure, you can ensure that it is safe, available and reliable for rail traffic.
The superstructure, rail bed, switches, rails and overhead lines make up a complex whole, within which the individual components interact with each other. In order to maintain these components with care, they have to undergo a programme of regular inspection and analysis. This allows you to reduce the life-cycle costs of your rail infrastructure to and to ensure its safe running.
An insight into the track condition
We use a range of measurement techniques to provide you with better, clearer and more useful information on the technical condition of your rail network infrastructure. Our non-contact measuring systems measure the track alignment and geometry. We use ultrasonic measurements to analyse any internal defects in a rail and detect external defects using ECT (Eddy Current Test) measurements. We also provide you with video images in both the direction of travel (driver’s viewpoint), as well as upwards (of the overhead line) and downwards (of the superstructure). We can evaluate these images automatically without disrupting regular rail traffic. In addition to track geometry, rail defects detection and images, we also provide products that measure the position, height and wear of the contact line and also inspect train safety systems, including ATBEG, GSM-R, Crocodile, KVB and ERTMS.
The data collected by our measurement trains and manual measurement team can be presented to you in any form you like. You may opt to simply receive a transfer of the raw data or else to receive it in a detailed report that includes analysis and advice. All our measurements are carried out in a way that minimises disruption to regular rail traffic.
The latest news
Eurailscout is Great Place To Work certified
Eurailscout is proud to announce that it has been officially certified as a "Great Place…
Measuring Geometry with the SIM
Since the spring Eurailscout has added a measurement system that complies with the EN-13848 standard…
New CEO Eurailscout
Starting the first of September Frank van Veldhuijzen will replace Oscar van Soomeren as CEO.
Who works for EURAILSCOUT?
At EURAILSCOUT, we employ more than 100 fully qualified staff, all of whom are passionate about their work.
SIM-based measurements without rail traffic disruption
EURAILSCOUT has the best measurement and inspection equipment at its disposal for mapping out and analysing the condition of the track. We only use extremely accurate, top-quality measurement systems for this work. EURAILSCOUT carries out the measurements with as little disruption to regular rail traffic as possible. Carrying out the measurements at a high line speed whilst simultaneously recording video images means that rail traffic is not affected by the measurements.
We use a SIM wagon to measure and inspect the switches. The SIM wagon is used to measure the geometry and rail profiles of both the track and the switch and also to record video images, both in the direction of travel and upwards towards the superstructure. SIM stands for Switch Inspection & Measurement. The SIM wagon measures the track and the switches during the regular train timetable, without this timetable having to be disrupted. Its low physical profile means that the SIM can be pushed or pulled by a single locomotive. This means that it can be shunted around without disrupting normal rail traffic.
Another unique aspect of the service provided by EURAILSCOUT is that in addition to the usual measurements of the overhead line including its height and horizontal position, we also measure its thickness very accurately. This gives you a complete picture of the condition of the overhead line. What’s more, we are always actively searching for ways to further improve and innovate our services.